Monday, 25 April 2016

Something to cogitate;

It seems that there may be something in Venus’ Birkeland currents affecting the Earth’s mass – it is more of a potato-shape than before.  This could give rise to various orbital re-arrangements but perhaps not of great significance.  In other words a catastrophic view is OK.  The Moment of Inertia tensor can be for any of the following events finely-balanced i.e. it is enough for Earth to go through the Venus electric currents and as gravity is an electric phenomenon for there to be a gravity dipole effect leading to a Mass shift sufficient for an IITPW z-axis to y-axis flip, etc.

We list the events as a series that are related to each other.  The basic relation operating is that of the 243-year cycle of same –plane inferior conjunctions.  I believe that this is expressed as Transit A 8 years Transit B 105.5 years Transit C 8 years Transit D 121.5 years.

NB the Flood occurs in CUT chronology on day 1, second month, -3327 (or converted according to Barry Setterfield’s work to 829.13 Ma).


-3327 Transit A of a randomly-set up cycle of Venusian-Earth conjunctions – to suit this argument.


-2347 Transit B (4 cycles later) Mr Dodwell’s paper’s Axis Tilt


-1869 and -1861 Transit A and Transit B (2 cycles later) as observed by Ammi-zaduga (CUT chronology used to establish the reign of Ammi-zaduga.)


1.       I am advised by Barry, in a personal communication, that Mr Dodwell’s -2345 error bars would allow for -2347. 

2.       The case for a chronology of Babylon 1 Dynasty that meets the requirement above for Ammi-zaduga to observe both transits and take up Kingship in a sole reign on Transit B can be made as follows;

a.Hammurabi                                                     -2008

b.Samsu-iluna                                                   -1965

c.Abi-eshuh                                                        -1927

d.Ammi-ditana                                                  -1899

e.Abi-eshuh cf. Pesgaldaramash                               -1896

f.Ammi-zaduga & Ammi-ditana                 -1871*

g.Ammi-zaduga                                                                -1862

h.Samsu-ditana                                                                -1849 Aidarakalamma & end of Ammi-ditana  -1846

j.Samsu-ditana                                                  -1841 Ekurulanna & end of Samsu-ditana                -1818

End of Samsu-ditana and Kassites            -1815

*We should note the regnal Year of the Golden Throne  in the reign of Ammi-zaduga is unknown so we can speculate that it is Year 10 or Transit B in this cycle;  if we subtract 1900 from -1861 (-1869 +8=-1861) we get -3761 or the benchmark for the molad of Tishri.

3.       CUT chronology allows the following

-2349     En-anna-tum I (alt.start), grandson of Ur-Nanshe, king, took Sumer awAmmi-zadugaay from Enshagkushana of Uruk and repulsed the armies of Kish, Elam and Mari (this was during the 400 yrs of Ur-Zababa and his "dynasty")  Enshagkushana  throws the Elamites out of Awan earlier in this year.                                    

-2349     Mamagal, the boatman               in Kish – I think, and can check

Was this done in anticipation of a Venus event?

We should finalize with comment that the current cycle of Venusian transits is mis-aligned to the above construct by 16 years.