Check Out the Red Dates
Keeping in mind -3146 as an important
- s/s fragment
and -3117 to -3115 Babel; -3016 the end of En-mer-kar (Nimrod version one); etc we have, courtesy of Jonathan Gray, the following;
Note the dates in RED. Thery are converted from radiometric years to orbital years (see Barry and Penny Setterfield).
Interesting? You bet. Especially relevant to Pleistocene from -2898 to -2897.
-3146 | En-dara-ana co-rules with Nan-gish-lishma+ |
and -3117 to -3115 Babel; -3016 the end of En-mer-kar (Nimrod version one); etc we have, courtesy of Jonathan Gray, the following;
Note the dates in RED. Thery are converted from radiometric years to orbital years (see Barry and Penny Setterfield).
You may wonder. Have traces of actual human
beings been found in the wrong places?
Definitely - yes.
For starters, human footprints are found in
undisturbed strata of virtually all geological
yes, they've been unearthed in rock layers
where the so-called “earliest” life forms appear.
Here are some examples:
* Gobi Desert: A print of a ribbed sole (shoe or
sandal size 9), in sandstone rock said to be
“2 million years old.” -2899
* Fisher Canyon, Nevada: A shoe print with clear
traces of strong thread, in a coal seam “12 million
years old.” -2903/04
* Pershing County, Nevada: A shoe print, showing
evidence of a well-cut and double-stitched leather
sole, in Triassic limestone “160 to 195 million years old.” -2982/-3006
This find was authenticated by a competent geologist
of the Rockefeller Foundation in New York.
The thread is smaller than any used by shoemakers
The discoverer took it to New York. He took it to
Columbia University. He showed it to some of the
leading people at the American Museum of Natural
History and turned it over to them.
But you can write to the American Museum of Natural
History - and they’ll tell you the report is not
in their files. (I wonder why?)
Anyway, here are some more finds:
* Cow Canyon, Nevada (25 miles east of Lovelock): The
graceful imprint of a well-balanced human in a coal
vein of the Tertiary “period.”
* England: A shoe imprint with nail heads around its
outer edge, in “450 million year old” limestone. -3138
* Antelope Springs, Utah: Prints of a man wearing
shoes, in which the left foot had trodden on a
trilobite, a creature of “440 million years ago.”-3136/37
This Utah discovery was made in the Wheeler Formation,
in the House Range east of Antelope Springs, in
shaley limestone rock.
Prints included one of a child’s foot, with all five
toes showing dimly.
On June 1, 1968, William Meister was looking for
trilobite fossils. With difficulty, he was climbing
a 2000 ft high rock face.
He paused, and broke off a 2 inch thick lump of rock
with his geology hammer. It opened like a book,
revealing a trilobite in the heel of a sandal print.
A consulting geologist was called in. He found more
sandal-prints and some footprints of bare-foot children.
It would seem from this evidence that mankind and
trilobites co-existed.
* Laetolil, Africa: Footprints in rock “12 million
years old.” -2903/04
* Tulsa, Oklahoma: Footprints in rock “12 million
years old.” -2903/04
* Carson City, Nevada: Sandal prints in Pliocene
“age” rock “12 million years old.” -2903/04
* Glen Rose, Texas: Footprints in Cretaceous rock
“70 million years old.” -2936
* Mt. Victoria, Australia: Footprint in Triassic
rock “200 million years old.” -3007
* St. Louis, Missouri: Footprints in Permian rock
“200 million years old.” -3007
* Bera, Kentucky: Footprints in Pennsylvanian
rock “200 million years old.” -3007
* Lake Windermere, England: Sandal print in
Ordovician rock “400 million years old.” -3113
Okay, I don't want to bore you. Examples are
almost countless.
Do you notice something wrong with these
discoveries? That's right. They contradict
evolutionary geology.
If human footprints in ancient rocks are genuine,
then either men existed before evolution says they
should, or our dating systems are in serious error.
As James Madsen, curator of Earth Science at the
University of Utah, stated for the press, concerning
the trilobite-with-man find:
“There’s something of a problem here, since
trilobites and humans are separated by millions of
years” (in theory, over 200 million!).
Indeed, this intimate simultaneous occurrence of
modern (sandal-shod) man with “primitive” trilobites
is a serious problem for the evolution theory.
Well, you ask, could these tracks be fakes? That's
a fair question.
Sorry, but many of these prints were found “inside”
stratified deposits, where forgery was impossible.
You see, they were found only after removal of
overlying rock strata. ...
Interesting? You bet. Especially relevant to Pleistocene from -2898 to -2897.
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